
Shanghai HXRT Annual Group Building – Gathered in Luoyang City, Henan Province, China

Shanghai HXRT Annual Group Building - Gathered in Luoyang City, Henan Province, China 


In order to further enhance team cohesion, enrich the holiday life of young employees, and better stimulate the work passion of the team, on June 6, 2024, the members of the company gathered in Luoyang.


On the day of arrival in Luoyang, we went to the Ancient Tomb Museum, and had a dinner together in the evening. During the dinner, the bosses expressed their encouragement and support for the employees, and everyone drank and sang together.


During the construction of the group, we went to the White Horse Temple to appreciate Buddhist culture, to the Longmen Grottoes to feel the wisdom of the ancients, to the Laojun Mountain to climb together and feel the Taoist culture.


These activities have created a good team atmosphere and fully demonstrated the youth style of Shanghai HXRT team. This group building activity has improved the cohesion of the company's family. The future is promising, live up to our youth, let us shine in our respective posts with a more optimistic life!

Post time: Jun-13-2024