
Shanghai Sun Trine’s Annual Meeting-in Sanya

Shanghai Sun Trines annual meeting-in Sanya

shanghai Sun TrineOn December 15, 2023, the companys employees gathered in Sanya, Hainan for the annual meeting. This is a grand party for employees, and everyone shares this happy moment.

First, there is the leaders speech. The leaders announced that the company has successfully completed its annual tasks. During this year, all members of the company worked together and achieved the sales target, taking the company's development to a new level.

Next, employees reported on their work as planned. Each employee elaborated on their contribution to this year's work from their own perspective, shared their growth and gains, as well as shortcomings, and plans for the coming year. Every employee is full of confidence in his or her career development.

To celebrate this year's success, the company prepared an elaborate feast. The employees of the company drank and chatted, expressed condolences to each other, and shared the joy and achievements of this year.


In addition, the company also carefully arranged a day trip so that employees could appreciate the charm of the sea view. They are feeling the charm of nature and enjoying the joy of vacation.

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The annual meeting is not only a summary of this year's work, but also opens a new chapter for the coming year's work. On this day, everyone has gained many valuable experiences and revelations. They will devote themselves to the work of the new year with a more positive attitude and fuller enthusiasm.

Qeaklab (1)

Post time: Dec-19-2023